Monday, June 20, 2016

My Newbery Dress Saga, Round 3 (Shoes)

Shoes to match the Newbery dress.

This one was easy. We were still inside Macy's, the big one in New York City, and that store devotes about 500 acres to shoes. (The only store I've seen with more shoes is Galleries Lafayette in Paris; the difference is, I can afford AND I can walk in most of the shoes from Macy's.)

Anyhow, I wandered among the shoe fields until I found the room devoted to shoes that went with ball dresses and wedding gowns. Like everywhere else in Macy's that day, it was packed. A group of elderly black women tried on wedding shoes on one side. A group of young women wearing headscarves tried on prom shoes on the other.

I was overjoyed to learn that the exact same company that made my dress also made shoes. There were two strong candidates to go with my gown: one silver, one midnight blue. Both covered with beads, which made them awesome. I asked to see them both.

The silver shoes were lovely. The blue shoes were lovely. Both fit well, I could walk in both of them. Eventually, trying to decide, I put the silver shoe on my left foot and the blue shoe on my right foot. I reached into my shopping bag, pulled out my dress, and held it up to me in front of a long mirror.

The other women in the room sighed. It's that kind of dress. "The blue shoe, honey," one of the black women said. "Blue," the Muslim teens agreed.

So I went with blue. Like I said, easy. Then I took the dress to be altered and ran into some trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Very proud of you. You have worked so hard for so long. Enjoy yourself. You give me hope. Thank-you.


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