Thursday, January 2, 2014


I rarely go in for New Year's resolutions, they seem so cliched.  "I'd like to lose weight, eat healthier, and reduce the stress in my life."  Well, duh.  This is America, after all.

Then I saw Maggie Stievater's blog post reviewing her resolutions for 2013, and saw that her resolutions were reasonable and primarily work-based, and I thought, I can do that.  And maybe I should.

So here are my resolutions for 2014:

1. Write the sequel to The War That Saved My Life.  (TWTSML is the newly official title of what I had been calling my English book.)

2. Rewrite my Obelisk book according to plan.

3.  Write adrift of the King Tut book.  Yes, really.

4.  Successfully, safely, and happily, move my horse Sarah to Training level in eventing.

5.  Log 500 miles on the new treadmill.

Honestly, that's quite a lot to be going on with.  What are your resolutions?  Do you even bother?

1 comment:

  1. My resolutions also reduce down to "get your act together", which never happens.


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